

MBA Debt Collection Services offers investments
in NPL portfolios of the largest global companies in the most
perspective financial markets of the world.

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Financial sector of developing countries, being the most progressive sector of economy, is in the focus of our attention, since it offers large opportunities for investors. Their large population along with growing economic indicators and limited access to banking products allow to expect a long-term growth.

Now we have a chance to reinforce our positions in these regions as a major player in the market of retail credit purchasing transactions, and as one of the first players in the market get an opportunity to invest on the most profitable terms with the lack of serious competition.

Asia, Latin America and Africa

the most promising regions in the world
for investment projects.

Global Synergy

The largest financial capital with the best global technologies allow us to work with the largest European, Asian Latin American and African companies on the most perspective markets of the world.

The market of Asia, Latin America and Africa – is a unique combination of active growth of banking products and a huge human and financial potential.

We offer ready flexible solutions for investing in these markets to meet our partners’ requirements on risk and profitability.


Asian, Latin American and African market of banking products is the best solution for your money.




MBA Debt Collection Services is a leader in efficient NPL portfolio management. We earn more money even where the others see only obstacles.



If the money does not work quickly, they work poorly. More and quicker than others — that is our main principle of work with investors.



A team of professionals who already implemented thousands of super-successful business projects worldwide is our pride and a guarantee of success for your business.



The countries of our presence in Asia and Latin America account for almost 70 % of the population of these regions. We are special, since in our evaluation of the investment project appeal we use only our own statistical data that are based on our long-term experience with the same quality segments. Thus, we are confident about the reliability of our results and feasibility of the calculated models.



Full clarity of the law of the countries of our presence, detailed statements on all business processes and development of the special legal base for each new project.



We collected and developed the best professionals in their field. Each employee of MBA Debt Collection Services is an absolute expert in his or her field. We committed hundreds of errors so that now we do not need to develop the right solutions, we already know them.



This is the best news for you. Working with the market leader, you must have the best terms of cooperation. We know how to earn money and value the trust our partners place in us.

We help to restore the balance of interests of financial system members, by relieving the society of debt problems.


  • Resolvemos los problemas actuales de nuestros clientes relacionados a la recuperación de deuda
  • Implementamos proyectos a gran escala haciendo inversiones en portafolios de cartera vencida
  • Mejoramos la educación financiera de personas de todo el mundo
  • Resolvemos problemas financieros de millones de personas
  • Apoyamos en la optimización de la base legal del sistema global financiero y crediticio
  • Creamos nuevos empleos y reducimos la tensión social en los países con nuestra presencia
  • Contribuimos al desarrollo de la sociedad civil y el pequeño emprendimiento
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